Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

Privacy and security are of utmost importance to Diskover and we strive to ensure that our technical and organisational measures in place respect your data protection rights.

This Privacy Policy describes how we manage, process, and store personal data submitted in the context of providing our services. “Personal data” refers to any information relating to an identifiable individual or his or her personal identity.

2. Consent

In subscribing to our services or filling in a contact form on our website (https:/ or other sites owned by Diskover, you agree and accept that we may gather, process, store and/or use the personal data submitted in accordance with the rules set forth below.

By giving your consent to us, you also retain the right to have your personal data rectified, to be forgotten and/or to be erased.

3. Personal Data Collected

Personal data is collected on our website by Diskover under the laws of UK.

When you visit and or subscribe to our web site(s), the following data is collected and managed: email, title, first name, last name, country, telephone number, IP address(es) and domain name.

The data you submit should not include any sensitive personal data, such as Government identifiers (i.e. social security, driving licence, or taxpayer identification numbers), complete credit card or complete personal bank card numbers, medical records or particulars connected with applications for care or treatment associated with private individuals.

In addition, and in the context of using our services, namely creating and sending emails and campaigns, Diskover has access to the information contained in the subject and content of the emails that you send out, as well as the email contacts you send to via our services.

This data is stored on secure servers and only a limited number of people are authorised to access your contact lists, in particular for the purpose of providing support services.
In no case does Diskover sell, share or rent out your contacts to third parties, nor does it use them for any purpose other than those set forth in this policy. We will use the information from your contacts only for legal requirements, to invoice and collect summaries for our own statistics and for the purposes of providing you with customer support services.

As creator of the contacts and associated emails, you are considered the data controller within the meaning of the GDPR, and Diskover is acting only as a data processor. In this capacity, you are responsible in particular for:
- making all the declarations necessary to the relative data protection authority,
- complying with all current regulations in force, including the data protection laws,
- obtaining the explicit consent of the persons concerned when collecting their personal data,
- ensuring your authority to use the personal data collected in accordance with the defined end purposes and refraining from any unauthorised use.

4. Newsletter and Marketing Emails

An unsubscribe link should be included in every newsletter and marketing email sent by you through our platform. For those that have expressly opted in to receive our Diskover newsletter, you are easily able to unsubscribe by following the “unsubscribe” links included in every email or by contacting us directly.

5. Third Party Disclosures

Personal data relating to you collected on our website are destined for Diskover’s own use and may be forwarded to Diskover’s subcontracting companies so that we may obtain assistance and support in the context of carrying out our services. Diskover’s ensures that it has in place clear data protection requirements for all of its third party providers.

Diskover does not sell or rent your personal data to third parties for marketing purposes whatsoever.
In addition, Diskover does not disclose your personal data to third parties, except if: (1) you (or your account administrator acting on your behalf) requests or authorises disclosure thereof; (2) the disclosure is required to process transactions or supply services which you have requested (i.e. to check you are employing best practice in your mailings or for the purposes of processing an acquisition card with credit-card issuing companies); (3) Diskover is compelled to do so by a government authority or a regulatory body, in the case of a court order, a summons to appear in court or any other similar requisition from a government or the judiciary, or to establish or defend a legal application; or, (4) the third party is a subcontractor or sub-processor of Diskover in the carrying out of services (for example: Diskover uses the services of an Internet provider or a telecommunications company).

6. Cookies and Tracking

As a general rule, Diskover uses cookies and tracking to improve and personalise its Website and/or measure its audience. Cookies are files saved on your computer’s hard drive when browsing on the Internet and in particular on our site. A cookie is not used to gather your personal data without your knowledge but instead to record information on site browsing which can be read directly by Mailjet on your subsequent visits and searches on the site.

You can choose to accept or modify the settings of the cookies, but your ability to browse certain pages of the site may be reduced if modified. The cookies used by Diskover are intended to enable or facilitate communication, to enable the services requested by users to be supplied, to recognise users when they re-visit the site, to secure payments which users may make, to register the language spoken by users or other preferences necessary for the service requested to be supplied.

Diskover also uses analytics and tracking tools to measure website and digital data to gain customer insights, to carry out analyses on browsing experience so as to improve content, and to send targeted advertisements.

By default, cookies are not installed automatically (with the exception of those cookies needed to run the site and Diskover’s services, and you are informed of their installation by a banner). In accordance with the regulations that apply, Diskover will require your authorisation before implanting any other kind of cookie on your hard drive. To avoid being bothered by these routine requests for authorisation and to enjoy uninterrupted browsing, you can configure your computer to accept Diskover cookies or we are able to remember your refusal or acceptance of certain cookies. By default, browsers accept all cookies.
When you access third party sites directing you to our website, or when you are reading integration or social media links, cookies can be created by the companies disseminating these links. These third parties may be able to use cookies in the context of Diskover’s services (partners or other third parties supplying content or services available on the Diskover site) and are responsible for the cookies they install and it is their conditions on cookies which apply. Diskover assumes no liability in regard to the possible use of cookies by third parties. For more information, you are advised to check the cookie policy directly on these third party sites with regard to their use of cookies.

We use cookies to optimize your user experience. By browsing our website, you agree to the use of cookies.